This website will continue to be a work in progress. I am going to keep adding things I learn about and try to make this really cool over time.
Here is a list of things that need to be done on this site
- Redesign the NavBar
- The whole webpage breaks when I delete all old blogs (which may happen in the futue). I will need to handle this
- Handle this page via DB so I do not have to push to production every time I make a change. Just mark an item done or create a new one.
- Add more home page content
- Redesign home page styling
- Link all my socials and discuss projects I have completed in detail on About page
- Add a back button on each 'focussed' blog post to go back to the main blog page
- caching? (do I want to go down this rabbit hole?)
- I may want to redesign how i interact with creating blog posts. I like the admin portal but I would like to be able to quickly add images, data, and/or code that I create as well.
Completed Items
- Add more thorough content to the About page